Postage savings
Perkins works with our customers and shows them the latest techniques to achieve significant postage/shipping savings. Customers are most appreciative when you are saving them money. For example, if an item is promotional in nature, it can be mailed in Canada as ‘Addressed Admail'. Customers can save between 26% to as much as 75% depending on the weight and size of the item. Customers that send out newsletters can often be granted “Publications Mail Estatus, resulting in similar large postage savings.
Customers mailing to U.S. destinations can achieve even more dramatic postage savings, as Perkins induct U.S. mail directly to a New York Post Office, thus taking advantage of the U.S. discounts, and the current value of the Canadian dollar. Perkins also has arrangements with Canada Post, U.S. Mail, and DHL to prepare 1st class mail at discount rates. We have set up customers with their own Canadian Incentive Lettermail agreements, that often result in savings of more than $1.00 per item mailed.
For international first class mail, in most cases, the postage rates are a minimum of 30% less than Canada Post's. Similarly, with parcels, Perkins has focused on savings, with attractive discount rates from Fedex as well as Canada Post, U.S. Mail, and DHL.